DTEcIiVU0FL (Gast)
| | Today is one of those days People expect me to write soeithmng really GREAT each and every day. I wake up to 50 emails telling me, Fred, you need to write about this, or that or the other , and maybe I do, but you know, this is a hobby for me, or, more correctly, that's how it started, as a hobby My damned HOBBY has turned into a demanding job, and it's killing me No pay, long hours and having to come up with great content daily Then getting HATE MAIL for what I write, and then I get the mail that I HATE, the Fred, you forgot this, or that or the other , I didn't forget ANYTHING, I got TIRED Some folks think this is easy, well, it's not. I have a suggestion for em, get a blog and try it for a few years, then get back to me on how *EASY* it is to do this day in and day out, with all the critics, hate mail and for the most part, doing it for free, and giving quality blog posts ALL THE TIME.. If it wasn't for a few VERY faithful readers and folks that make an occasional donation, I wouldn't even be doing this, and to those fine folks that DO stick with me and make donations, I apologize for this rant and burnout, I am hoping it's only temporary I am taking a break |