4tQRcWPi7 (Gast)
| | I'm not giving up my firned, giving up is NOT in my make up I'm just terribly burned out right now That piece I posted about the Upside Down Nation, I get an email telling me that it belongs to someone else and THEY want credit for it, and they provided a seriously suspicious looking link to a *blog*, I didn't click it, I sent it to SPAM and blocked it, but the point is, I am getting all kinds of crap like that, all the time Almost daily I get an attack attempt, thank God I have the computer knowledge I do and the tools to keep those attacks from doing damage It seems like the harder you work to get the truth out there, the harder you work to bring an end to the socialist screwing this nation is taking, the harder the moonbats attack, or try to.. I'll be back at it, maybe tomorrow, maybe not, maybe a day or 2m I have got to get ME in a better place mentally, and I hope that once I *recharge* a bit I can do some more damage to the left and the ASSHOLES that seek to destroy our wonderful nation |